We are on a mission to empower better mental health through our Entrain app. Our features are community-driven, so join us and help us to make it better.
Entrain is an app that combines binaural beats, soothing music, and biofeedback to help you relieve stress and anxiety, improve focus and productivity, better your sleep, or reduce pain and tension.
Studies have shown binaural beats to have the following benefits:
reduce anxiety
increase focus and concentration
lower stress
increase relaxation
foster positive moods
promote creativity
help manage pain

Research has found these associated brainwaves and benefits:
Binaural beats in the delta (1 to 4 Hz) range have been associated with deep sleep and relaxation.
Binaural beats in the theta (4 to 8 Hz) range are linked to REM sleep, reduced anxiety, relaxation, as well as meditative and creative states.
Binaural beats in the alpha frequencies (8 to 13 Hz) are thought to encourage relaxation, promote positivity, and decrease anxiety.
Binaural beats in the lower beta frequencies (14 to 30 Hz) have been linked to increased concentration and alertness, problem-solving, and improved memory.
Our soothing music consists of the following and more to come:
Chakra Healing
Power Nap
Chill Pill
Headache Relief
Earth Vibration (432 Hz)
Love Meditation
Muscle Relaxation
Wind Chimes Meditation
Misophonia Relief
Pain Relief
Blissful Sleep
Deep Sleep
Tantric Stimulation
Tinnitus Relief
Anxiety Release
Mind Power
Creativity Boost
Abundance Meditation

Through the use of an optional EEG device (Muse headband - version 2 or S), you can record your brainwave for further attunement and/or research and experimentation. Recordings of raw data can be downloaded or shared for research studies. Recordings are temporarily stored on your phone so share it with your email or cloud storage if you want to keep them.
Entrain app is free to use and has no ads.